Sunday 28 January 2007

start a new job

i was sitting front of my computer one day thinking what i could do next bored of all the other thing that you do and i thought about making money on the thing so i thought of a web name MARKITUP-MARKITUP was the name i come up with then i
typed in making money i saw this word affiliate and asking me to become one and promising #100 of pounds a day in profits i thought that sounds interesting but i was very wary of the internet there are loads of dodge people out there trying to scam and fleece you out of money i have
try`ed a lot of things in the past out of newspapers and i even try`ed that pyramid job i got fleeced out of fifty
pounds so when i tried to research this affiliate marketing
i noticed that real company`s were using it for trying
to make more sales on the internet by using third party`s to advertise there product for commission.
so i guessed that sounds good if everyone is doing it why cant i give it a go. i have try`ed a few ads with no success but i was not making money.
until i got a copy of AFFILIATE PROJECT X this e-book is an
excellent easy to read very informative take on the internet marketing industry.
when i had first read it i did not ever guess of these technique to try and change from my little tinny ads it took me a little time to change my ways me thinking i was
better than this little 50 paged wonder but its like a blueprint of my technique now my personal favorite is the art of pre-sell and thats only the first option you have another five to learn and try but hey don`t listen to me i`m
just a making money affiliate fan of this e-book my guess is you wont want to get a look at there web page.Click Here!

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